~ All Matters of §pirit ~

Let's gather for a 40 day Journey of prayer in devotion to the masculine ~ 02.20.2022 - 03.31.2022

~ w e l c o m e ~

As above so below. As within so without... here we have an opportunity to dive deeper ~ deeper into the Self, which is our doorway into the truth of our Oneness with all things. You are the earth, air, fire and water ~ the coming and going of the sun and moon ~ the ebb and flow of the tides, the blossoming of the flowers and the trees, the roots, the leaves. How can we live this experience with all of our being and embody the fullness of who we are and have always been? Rise and awaken, for you are a child of the Earth and Stars and infinitely free.

~ an invitation ~

Please come in, so we can gather round together. We gather like this to learn and remember. We gather because it reflects the truth of our oneness and together we can discover our deeper medicine and  see ourselves reflected in each other. We gather to strengthen our prayer and practice and to hold each other accountable.  We gather because collective consciousness builds in frequency and resonance and together our energy holds power. We gather because we are a communal species and gathering in ceremony to sing, share stories and grow together, in harmony with nature, has been the way of ALL of our ancestors - it honors all that has come to pass and paves the way for all that has yet to be - all in this moment, right here, right now.

~ gratitude ~

Thank you for showing up.
For your dedication and devotion, and your service in the world.
Thank you for being here, for your time and generosity*.
Thank you for hearing the call and for all that you are.
*This monthly membership and exchange is a conscious commitment to a space that connects and sustains a community of those that would like to be present, show up, and truly work together.